Week 6 of Intro2GIS Lab focused on how to download datasets, project and define the downloaded datasets in order to obtain a uniform layer definition and projection. I also learn how to manipulate Tabular XY data in Excel format and incorporate the XY data into my map via AcrMap in order to create shapefile.
I acquire the necessary datasets from the following sources:
1. www.LABINS.org
2. Florida Geographical Data Library web portal, and
3. Florida Department of Environmental Protection (the XY data)
This Lab further strengthened my knowledge of how to download data; where to fine the right data; how to project or re-project where the need arises, and how to define and redefine.
I carefully examined the provided examples in Part 1 and Part 2 of the lab and then proceeded to to Part 3 where I downloaded the data needed for the county. I then proceeded to project all layers to a uniform Coordinate System(NAD83 State Plane FIPS 903 Feet). I verified the coordinate system to ensure that the reprojection was executed as expected by the system.
The final map created contained the following:
- Basemap
- STCM sites
- Major Roads
- County Boundary
- Aerial Imagery (for Quad5659 Century, FL. (DOQQ: q5659ne, q5659nw, q5659se, q5659nw))
- MRG5659