
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Vector Analysis 2

This week is the second phase of vector analysis; the first part of this analysis does not require a blog post. I learned how to use two of the most common modeling tools in ArcGIS - Buffer and Overlay. I also created three buffer zones using ArcPy scripts. The primary deliverable for the vector analysis is a map showing the possible campsite locations, roads, lakes and rivers in De Soto National Forest in Mississippi. Using Buffer & Overlay I displayed the locations that were within 500 meters of a river, 150 meters of a lake, and 300 meters of a roads. Conservation areas were excluded from the site selection.

What is the Overlay tool-set? This is a set of tools that allow an analyst to combine, erase, modify or update the feature and information from multiple thematic layers to create a new layer for continued analyses. I also used the Union tool to combine two different layers, the Intersection tool to identify areas common to two layers rather than combining them, and an Erase tool to remove unwanted areas from a layer.

What is the Buffer tool? This tool is used to create a buffer area around an object (a point, line, or polygon).Specific distance (buffer distances) around an object (a point, line, or polygon) can be set for analyses purposes. In the De Soto National Forest below, I apply buffers to the roads and water objects in order to deduce the areas common to both elements.

The map above shows the possible campsites in the De Soto National Forest in Mississippi.

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