
Friday, March 4, 2016

Data Search Lab 7 & 8

Week 7&8 Lab was a fun and challenging data search and download project. The primary objective of this lab is for students to learn where to access and download data (free data sources), project the layers, and how to clip both Vector and Raster data. The following maps vector, raster and environmental datasets.

My major takeaway from this lab is what ArcTool clipping tool to use for Raster and Vector datasets. I clipped the Vector datasets using Clip(Analysis) tool and Clip(Data Management) the Raster datasets.

The lab required students to download nine data layers sets for the creation of 1-3maps for individually assigned County in Florida. I was assigned Okechobee County.

After downloading all the required datasets, I then proceeded to clip all layers to the Okeechobee County. I obtained the aerial imagery from and other map data came from past class labs and

Map 1 shows the elevation model (DEM) of the entire Okechobee county.
I am surprised at the number of invasive species at the "mouth" of Lake Okeechobee on the lower half of the map on the right. Studies conducted by the US Army Corps of Engineers revealed that "there are approximately 50,000 non-native species and approximately4,300 are considered invasive." Source

Map 2 comprises of two maps in one. Invasive Species in Okeechobee Co. and the county's hydrology

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