
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Final Project

The final project for GIS4043/L was based on a historic look at Florida Power & Transmission Line project sited between Sarasota and Manatee, counties. The preferred corridor selection included multiple criteria but this class project focused on the following four primary objectives:

  • What impact will the proposed project have conservation areas?
  • Minimized the number of homes impacted by the corridor.
  • Avoid close proximity to Schools and Daycares.
  • Avoid routes high cost.
The project also required a PowerPoint presentation accompanied with Commentary. Links to both documents are provided below.

Scroll down to view some of the maps created during the Bobwhite-Manatee Transmission Line project ->

Overview Location of the Study Area, and Preferred Corridor in Manatee and Sarasota Counties. 
Map show the End-to-end straight line distance and Center point distance.
Map showing Conservation Areas.
Map shows home that are directly within the buffer.
Map shows Preferred Corridor proximity to Schools. 

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