
Monday, May 16, 2016

Introduction to Python

Week 1 lab of this class is an Introduction to programming in Python with focus on:

  • recognizing basic features of Python
  • compare scripting vs programming (Scripts-interprete; Programing-compile)
  • review the history of Python and scripting in ArcGIS
  • exploring using Python with three different interfaces, and,
  • learning about pseudocode and how it is used in programming.
I also learn about different Python interfaces and created new folders and sub folders using Python Script (image below)

12 Folders and Sub-Folders created by Python Script
I also installed PythonWin and did the class exercise where I print(displayed) "Hello World." The image above is an example of the versatility of Python script in efficient folder and subfolder creation.

Here's a sample an executed script that print "Hello World" in the Python IDLE (top part of image) and the PythonWin Interactive Window (bottom part of image):

PythonWin and IDLE Interfaces

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